Firefox Add-ons for Privacy

With more companies than ever harvesting data, hardening your browser to combat this is an easy first step.

I am aware of the irony of releasing my own personal browser configuration but I am doing so willingly to help make others more aware of the issues facing our privacy.

Mostly I use Firefox Developer Edition, it receives new feature updates sooner than its vanilla counterpart and has a few more features in line with web development hence the name. The privacy related add-ons I use in conjuction with this are:

Canvas Blocker

This add-on allows users to prevent websites from using some Javascript APIs to fingerprint them.

Cookie Autodelete

Auto-delete unused cookies from your closed tabs while keeping the ones you want.


Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery.

HTTPS Everywhere

Force sites to use the HTTPS encrypted protocol.


It allows JavaScript, Flash, Java and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice.

uBlock Origin

The single best ad blocker for desktop browsing out there, supported by user generated filters.

Just using browser addons does not make you suddenly invisible to the outside world. It's a gradual process that can be approached a number of ways. Using a trustworthy browser and a VPN is a good start. Be sure to check out which has a wealth of knowledge on this topic.